Mittwoch, 21. März 2007

Wer hat hier gebuddelt???

Wer war das?
Pfotenabdrücke rund, ca 5Markstück groß Waschbär? Fuchs?

1 Kommentar:

Dora Renee Wilkerson hat gesagt…

I just wanted to come check out your blog too. My German is very bad. Sorry. I wish I could read it better. I can pick up a word here and there but not much at all (I need to learn..)
It looks like you garden. I'd love to see Germany. I have only been able to see pictures from when friends and family go (or on the internet but I have never had the chance to go.. Maybe one day!)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really wish I could read yours. That's ok, tho pictures say a lot!

Dora Renee' Wilkerson